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Create checklists, schedule them, assign them to teams, watch progress in real-time.

About the Bamzooka Q Applet

The Bamzooka Q Applet will display a notification when you have assignments to complete. The assigned key will show red if the assignment is late, orange assignment is due soon, blue assignment is due in the future, and green if there are no assignments to complete.

About Bamzooka

Bamzooka is a reusable checklist platform that helps teams with things such as organizing onboarding, offboarding, projects and workflows. Each checklist is assigned a due date, and each item can be assigned to the appropriate team member. Teams of any size can use and reuse checklists to organize their processes and increase productivity.

Bamzooka Features

Bamzooka has several features that make it easy to organize work and improve its quality for teams without any chaos.

  • Checklists: Reusable checklists for setting and assigning processes
  • Calendar: Built-in calendar to manage tasks and rescheudule repetitive tasks
  • Monitor: Check the team's assignment status and progress in real-time
  • Pass/Fail checks: Easily configurable and used to ensure quality work is done.

Bamzooka Takeaway

With advanced process checklists and monitoring features, Bamzooka is truly useful for small and medium-sized businesses, non-profits, government, and educational organizations. It streamlines processes that have to be completed repeatedly in a clear and organized manner. The Bamzooka Q Applet is the perfect addition to anyone who owns a Q keyboard and is using Bamzooka to organize their teamwork. It provides a simple and easy way to check in on your daily and weekly tasks, by simply looking down at your Q keyboard to see the status of your assignments. 

Bamzooka Illustration

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What is the Q software?

It makes your keyboard smart by changing the key colors based on information from the internet.

More about Q