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Notifies when a forum update is availble.

About the Discourse Q Applet

The Discourse Q Applet gives Discourse administrators the ability to assign a key on their Q keyboard to blink a key’s LED light when new notifications are available.

About Discourse

Discourse is a modern discussion platform used to create communities and manage content and conversations in a threaded message board format. It can be operated as a discussion forum, long-form chat room, mailing list, and much more. This community management tool is well structured, well-monitored, and highly customizable to all sizes of organizations.

Discourse Features

Discourse has many unique features that make it easy to collaborate with a team, manage events and community, and integrate with a number of third-party programs.

  • Alerts & notifications: Provides frequent alerts for dangerous and spam content, and notifications when a reply or new message is posted
  • DiscourseConnect: Complete with a robust single sign-on
  • Simplicity: It offers a simple forum that lets users expand conversations with full context and quotes on a single page.
  • Anti-spam filters: Blocks non-standard and spamming conversations.

Discourse Takeaway

Discourse is an excellent open-source platform for those who want a modern discussion platform. It is highly customizable with a number of features to produce an excellent community management experience. The Discourse Q Applet is a must-have for administrators of Discourse communities. To check for new messages simply look down at your keyboard without having to visit the actual site. If a notification does exist, pressing the Q button and clicking the notification in the Q software will bring you to the community. 

Discourse Illustration
What is the Q software?

It makes your keyboard smart by changing the key colors based on information from the internet.

More about Q